Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I think one of the major issues that is going on today is torture and how it has been used on p.o.w. When the bush administration uses torture to interrogate someone their is something wrong going on in our government. The use of torture is inhuman and should not be used on prisoners. In addition, torture doesn't produce good intelligence and those being tortured will tell the torturers whatever they want to hear.
The bush administration has tried to make a loop hole on the article three of the Geneva convention saying that it does not apply to Al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. This is bothersome to think that our government is saying that its ok to torture people. In addition, the government have also done arrest without charges and wiretapping. All those things are illegal and should not be allowed to happen. If you think about it this administration is turning into a dictatorship.
Furthermore their have been secret memos from the bush administration that authorized the use of physical and psychological tactics, including head-slapping, simulated drowning. The Bush administration has also said that waterboarding is not considered torture but most experts would disagree with that and say that it is torture. It is illegal to torture prisoners and we need to have consequences for the actions taken by the Bush administration. Also it makes it seem like the government have no boundary's and can do whatever they want which is wrong. In conclusion I think we need to put this administration on trial for all the illegal and inhuman actions they taken. The Bush administration has abused its power and should be regulated by congress. The presidents powers are limited for a reason and should stay limited. Finally we need to take back the power the president has, so he wont be tempted to abuse it.

Monday, November 12, 2007


First of all this country was built with immigrants from all over the world. Most people that come to this country just want a better life for themselves and their families. As they say America is the land of opportunity, so is it wrong for people to try to make a better life in the U.S.? I think its not, but I do agree we have to stop the people that are trying to harm America like terrorist and drug dealers that come in the U.S.
In addition, I think the immigration issue is never going to be resolved. Some people want all illegal immigrants out of the country. If you removed all illegal immigrants out of the U.S. the labor force would decrease, which would make production decrease. The U.S. economy would be in trouble if you removed all illegal immigrants.
Also I think that corporations wouldn’t like the deportation of all illegal immigrants because they would loss workers and business. Who do you think they would rater hire an illegal or a legal person? The answer is an illegal person because they would pay them less or close to nothing for their work. Some people in the U.S. blame illegal immigrants for coming over here well why don’t they blame the corporations that are hiring them. Also corporations control the government so I don’t think they would ever get ride of all the illegal immigrants in this country.
Furthermore the flow of illegal immigrants is never going to stop. The government can put troops on the border built walls and all kinds of shit but people will still come to this country illegally. It’s like supply and demand theirs always going to be a demand for work and a supply of workers. Also it’s not just Mexico that’s bringing people to the U.S. its other countries as well. I bet if lets say Mexico was Germany illegal German immigrants would be in the U.S. because people will always want to better their lives. Finally the problem of immigration is too complex of an issue to be solved by the government.

Should New orleans be rebuilt / Immigration